Information Systems DIGEST Podcast

Connected Health - Guest Minna Isomursu

May 31, 2022 NTNU - Digital Enterprise Season 3 Episode 3

Host Casandra Grundstrom is joined by special guest  Professor Minna Isomursu. Minna is a professor at the University of Oulu at M3S the largest software engineering research unit in Finland. Her main research interests are related to software engineering and challenges in development in the health sector. She is particularly interested in using service design as an approach for translating complex ecosystems of stakeholders and their needs for creating value.

In this episode, we reflect on what is connected health and how it connected us (spoiler: Minna was my PhD supervisor). Further considering how service design can be applied to help us to account for perceived value in complex healthcare environments as value does not have the same meaning for everyone. We then shift to consider Minna's recent publication in IJMI about Finnish Physicians and their use of digital media and if it has been disrupted, rupted, or misrupted due to the pandemic. Rounding out our discussion, we ruminate on interdisciplinary research and training as a PhD as well as the boundaries between industry and academia.

Thank you all for listening, hope you all have a nice summer; episodes will resume again in the fall.

More information:

Caulfield, B. M., & Donnelly, S. C. (2013). What is connected health and why will it change your practice? QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, 106(8), 703-707.

Häikiö, J., Wallin, A., Isomursu, M., Ailisto, H., Matinmikko, T., & Huomo, T. (2007, September). Touch-based user interface for elderly users. In Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Human computer interaction with mobile devices and services (pp. 289-296).

Isomursu, M., Kuoremäki, R., Eho, J., & Teikari, M. (2022). The effect of Covid-19 in digital media use of Finnish physicians–Four wave longitudinal panel survey. International journal of medical informatics, 159, 104677.

Korhonen, O., Väyrynen, K., Krautwald, T., Bilby, G., Broers, H. A. T., Giunti, G., & Isomursu, M. (2020). Data-driven personalization of a physiotherapy care pathway: Case study of posture scanning. JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies, 7(2), e18508.

Stickdorn, M., Hormess, M. E., Lawrence, A., & Schneider, J. (2018). This is service design doing: applying service design thinking in the real world. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.".

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