Information Systems DIGEST Podcast

Scandinavian Tradition of Participatory Design - Guest Joanna Saad-Sulonen

December 31, 2021 NTNU - Digital Enterprise

Host Casandra Grundstrom is joined by special guest Associate Professor Joanna Saad-Sulonen. Joanna works at the Department of Digital Design at the IT University of Copenhagen in Denmark. Her interests include the intersections of participation, design of digital services and technologies, as well as civic participation. Empirically, she collects rich qualitative data through an ethnographic approach alongside participatory design interventions. She aims to draw attention to the ongoing need of ensuring citizens' agency and engagement in shaping their digital world. Joanna's research draws from the Scandinavian participatory design and computer supported collaborative work theories and she regularly publishes her participatory design research in related conferences and journals such as Science and Technology Studies and NordiCHI. 

In this episode, we continue our design theme episodes by unravelling participatory design (PD), the Scandinavian tradition and related roots to democratization, talking further about the many hats researchers wear during ethnographic research in PD, upscaling and the potential involvement of service design as part of a hybridized future in design research.

Kaptelinin, V., & Bannon, L. J. (2012). Interaction design beyond the product: Creating technology-enhanced activity spaces. Human–Computer Interaction, 27(3), 277-309.

Saad-Sulonen, J., De Götzen, A., Morelli, N., & Simeone, L. (2020, June). Service design and participatory design: time to join forces?. In Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference 2020-Participation (s) Otherwise-Volume 2 (pp. 76-81). 

Saad-Sulonen, J. C., & Horelli, L. (2010). The value of Community Informatics to participatory urban planning and design: a case-study in Helsinki. The Journal of Community Informatics, 6(2).

Saad-Sulonen, J., Halskov, K., Huybrechts, L., Vines, J., Eriksson, E., & Karasti, H. (2015). Unfolding Participation. What do we mean by participation–conceptually and in practice. Aarhus Series on Human Centered Computing, 1(1), 4.

Simonsen, J., & Robertson, T. (Eds.). (2013). Routledge international handbook of participatory design (Vol. 711). New York: Routledge.

Participatory Design Conference -